About the Author

Making a point about achieving an academic Ideal Performance State (IPS); Indiana University

Having your number called on the field is sometimes easier than having it called in the classroom, but it's still fun!

UNC Bears . . . heads in the game!

Raised on the south side of Chicago where he gained his K-12 education, Richard Giordano went on to Michigan State University where he earned a bachelor’s degree in physical education and biology, and a master’s degree in educational administration.  He subsequently earned a doctoral degree in education from the University of Colorado.  Following four years of teaching at the middle school level and twenty six years as a secondary school principal, he left K-12 public education to work with elite university student-athletes.

Applying his unorthodox “Making up Crap” learning strategy (www.makingupcrap.com), student-athletes learned how the same physical, emotional, and visual strengths that made them successful in their sports could also make them successful in their academic studies.  His work with these athletically talented young people led to his first book: “Super-Charged Learning: How Wacky Thinking and Sports Psychology Make It Happen.” (www.superchargedlearning.com)

Following this work with student-athletes, recognizing once again that teaching and learning are intricately intertwined, Richard returned to the field of public education. Since he first began teaching, followed by his time as a school principal, he knew that teachers were not being properly supervised and evaluated.  As a school principal, he knew that the strategies that he and his administrative colleagues used were inadequate; they did not measure teachers’ abilities with any acceptable degree of accuracy.  This led to this new book, “Ineptitude, Conformity, and Obfuscation: The Fraud of teacher Evaluation in the Public Schools.” (www.teacherevaluationfraud.com)


The Fraud of Teacher Evaluation in the Public Schools.

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