School principals, their superintendent-bosses, and the teacher’s union do not want you to read this book! They tell you that your children are taught by excellent teachers . . . but none of them knows! The teacher evaluation procedures they all support do not work . . . they are a farce!
This book explains what’s wrong, how it can be fixed, and how you can make it happen! And it’s not complicated. All you need to understand it is common sense!
Find it at
- Parents
- Teachers
- School administrators
- Anyone wanting to know why public school teacher evaluation systems are a sham . . . and how to fix them.
This is my kind of book. As an experienced educator, I resonate with the author's assertions, with his documentation, and with his suggested solutions. This should be required reading
in all educational leadership programs.
Dave Sebald, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Emeritus, University of Texas, San Antonio
Director of Advanced Instructional Media
Public schoolteacher, 20 years, instrumental, vocal, and general music
Dr. Giordano has a remarkable insight into the challenges that public school principals face today. His book is a must-read for anyone involved in education, and particularly those making decisions about education.
Barbara Smethills, B.A. ,M.A.
Public schools teacher, 31years, home economics, history, social studies
Dr. Giordano presents a thorough analysis of the system of teacher evaluation used in American public schools, concluding that the system is both inefficient and ineffective, and offers insightful recommendations on how to improve the system for evaluating teacher performance.
Michael R. Phillips, B.A., M.S,.
Public school teacher, 36 years, history, political science
On March 19th, Dr. Giordano was the guest of Chris Salcedo on "The Chris Salcedo Show," airing on Newsmax TV. The discussion centered on public schooling issues as well as Dr. Giordano's new book dealing with the fraud of teacher evaluations being conducted by school principals.
On March 14th, Dr. Giordano was the guest of Bill Martinez, on his nationally syndicated radio show "Bill Martinez Live." Topics discussed were the teachers' union, school principals inability to evaluate teachers, and the state of public K-12 education in the country.
The Fraud of Teacher Evaluation in the Public Schools.
Available at